hoe lang zou het nog duren in Belgie ? OPC Geel had hiervoor de ideale plek geweest 💡
niet als permanente tentoonstellingsruimte maar één centrale plek voor de verkoop van classics en youngtimers uit overnames (en handel) van alle belgische OPC’s.
je ziet handelaren die vroeger enkel in nieuwe en jonge 2dehands sportwagens handelden nu heel gretig op de markt duiken van het duurdere segment van de oldtimers.
100 Porsche Dealers to Become “Classic” Repair Shops, and America’s Getting Two
Air-cooled 911s and 356s stopped being cheap about a decade ago, the 2.7 RS and any winning Porsche race car with the number nine at the beginning of its model designation are pure unobtainium, and yet we’re hopeful we’ll ride the next wave, maybe on a 914 or (likelier) a Boxster Spyder. Obvious fact: Most Porsches that aren’t SUVs or hatchback sedans have bright resale values ahead of them, and Stuttgart finally has awakened to the potential of making serious money on these classic rides. Witness the first Porsche Classic Center, which opened in the Netherlands.
Like Mercedes-Benz has done with its Classic Center in Irvine, California, Porsche wants to make the sort of lucre pulled in by the most esteemed independent Euro shops and cash in on the servicing, parts, and repairs purchased by its most fervid owners. Porsche wants to transform 100 dealerships into “Classic Partners,” which will serve the full catalog of 52,000 original parts and take loving care of its air-cooled beauties, such as with specially formulated oil in Porsche-branded tins. These dealers will employ separate Classic floorspace with trained staff, paint bays, unique repair tools, and routine maintenance—all of which, Porsche promises, will go beyond what an ordinary dealer can do with these cars. According to the carmaker, more than 70 percent of all Porsche models ever built are still on the road, and beyond the profit potential, Stuttgart wants to take a more direct role in keeping them running.
Currently, there’s one such dealer in Holland’s Gelderland province; we’ll see two Classic-certified dealers in the United States. One will be at Porsche’s Atlanta headquarters, as yet another attraction at the Porsche Experience Center (where you also can test-drive nearly every model variant on a 1.6-mile track). The other will be at a second Porsche Experience Center scheduled to open in Carson, California, during the third quarter of 2016. That center also will headquarter the company’s factory-run North American motorsports division when it moves from Santa Ana. (Need a new GT4 Clubsport while your 917 is in the shop? ’Tis the place.) Additional Classic Centers will be scattered across Europe, Japan, Australia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates.
Porsche Centre Brussels heeft al 1 jaar een apart bijgebouw voor Porsche Classic met 4 bruggen.
Typisch Nederlands zeker dat er daar zo een poeha gemaakt wordt…:-)
‘T gaat erom dat dit een apart gebouw is, apart van het pand waar de nieuwere Porsche’s verhandelt en ge-serviced worden.
Voor zover ik weet is dat nog nergens het geval. En reclame maken is nu eenmaal een beetje overdrijven 😀
Heb zelf ook een steentje bij mogen dragen. Wij hebben er VAG gehomologeerde lasapparatuur en nog wat andere schadeherstel
gereedschappen geleverd :happydance:
Bij Porsche Ingelmunster staan er ook wat old/young timers in de showroom… …
Nu mijn favoriet komt langs om 3:04 in het fimpje :applaus: maar er wordt natuurlijk met geen letter/cijfer over gerept 👿