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15 reacties aan het bekijken - 1,006 tot 1,020 (van in totaal 1,285)
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            Zo koop je een Porsche!

              Spa Classic 2014 – Porsche 935 – Marc de Siebenthal

              [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]v9J5EpcKJzI[/video]

              Onboard Kremer Samson Porsche 911 RSR

              [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]aizXK4pWp3o[/video]

                [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]oR-l7e4kEkI[/video]

                VINumber 1309 now makes its home with Mr. Mark Haddawy, who seldom misses a chance to sling it through the canyons near his home in Los Angeles, California. As Mark points out, the RS, despite being a 40-year-old car, still holds its own against its modern streetmates. After all, even by today’s standards, the RS is fast: it covers zero to 60 mph in 5.6 seconds and sports a top speed of 150 mph. The mystique of the 2.7 RS, however, goes beyond sheer statistics and, at times, can defy description.

                “I’ve driven a lot of different sports cars,” says Mark. “There’s something about the RS that’s magical. It’s definitely more than the sum of all of its parts.”

                    Beide handjes aan het stuur :applaus:

                      JUST RELAX AND ENJOY :popcorn:

                        jep, hij is one of us 😀 , enfin ik bedoel, hij kan ook van Porsche genieten

                          Vind deze wel mooi

                              1u02min :popcorn: time

                                knappe wagen, heeft nog knap speelgoed staan *luv , dat rooike

                                  Porsche 356 in de sneeuw 🙂

                                15 reacties aan het bekijken - 1,006 tot 1,020 (van in totaal 1,285)
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